Ladykiller in a Bind is an introduction to BDSM, and a great one. Like, if you thought 'subspace' was just where Optimus Prime keeps his trailer you're gonna learn some stuff. While a lot of sexy visual novels cast their protagonists as arrogant jerks or desperate losers, Ladykiller in a Bind makes you a suave lesbian womanizer who is confident and cool. Even if inhabiting that character isn't your fantasy, it's a fun space to explore and one no other game does. If you like this you might also like: One Night Stand, another visual novel that shares Ladykiller's interest in negotiating what comes after sex. It's the morning after and you're working through the awkwardness of what happens between you and the woman you've woken up beside, walking an interpersonal minefield while hungover and basically at your worst. The WarioWare games are grab bags of Nintendo 'microgames' a few seconds long. You're thrown into them at random, frantically trying to figure out the controls so you can land a hang-glider or saw through a tree or shave a moustache.